Brainly Backend API

Comprehensive Documentation for API Endpoints


Welcome to the official documentation for the Brainly Backend API. Below you'll find all available endpoints, along with details on how to interact with them.

Available Routes


Handles user-related operations such as registration, login, and user profile updates.

GET /api/v1/user - Get user details.
POST /api/v1/user/signup - User login.
POST /api/v1/user/signin - Register a new user.


Manages content creation, retrieval, and editing.

GET /api/v1/contents - Get all contents.
POST /api/v1/contents - Create new content.
PUT /api/v1/contents/:id - Update content by ID.
DELETE /api/v1/contents/:id - Delete content by ID.


Contains functionality related to the "brain" (could be related to content search, recommendations, etc.).

GET /api/v1/brain/share - Get brain-related data.
POST /api/v1/brain/:shareLink - Shareable Link

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